Thursday 28 February 2013

Best Tips: How to Impress a Girl

Best Tips: How to Impress a Girl

Tip 1: “Look well groomed and presentable; neither over-the-top nor too sloppy.”

how to impress a girlLike it or not, your appearance plays a crucial part when impressing a woman. It speaks a lot about how you live and how you act.
Remember first impression is the last impression. So when you initially meet a girl, you must look well groomed.
To look good does not mean that you have to dress yourself up like a Hollywood celebrity in an unreal manner. If you go against your normal way of dressing and end up wearing something over-the-top that does not accent your personality, it may give her an impression that you ONLY want to impress her – for ulterior motives.
Likewise, you must not look sloppy to give her a vibe that you don’t care about anything. Wearing dirty or substandard clothes tells that you have got “I don’t care” type of personality. She may instinctively conclude that you don’t care about anything else either.
The best solution is to make your get-up according to your personality and latest fashion trends. For this you can simply go to a club or a bar to see what other people are wearing. You can also ask your female friends or acquaintance to help you out for shopping some impressive clothes.

Tip 2: “Control your Speech, and observe silence when needed.”

Another essential step of how to impress a woman is to let her talk and respond while conversing. It will be a BIG turn-off if you keep on non-stop chatting during the entire spell of your conversation with her. Bear in mind conversation is a two-way communication and is all about contributing together.
Also, keep eye-contact while she is talking to you. It will let her know that you have no interest in her. This attitude will surely up the attraction meter.
As for the topics of conversation, speak of your dreams and ambitions to let her know you have a purposeful life, and that you are not a wandering bum. In addition, you can share some funny incidents of your life to amuse her but ensure your delivery is above the par.
There are some topics you must keep yourself at bay when trying to impress a woman. Don’t speak of politics, past girlfriends, offensive and racial jokes, and anything else that could be termed as geeky or dorky.

Tip 3: “Don’t stare at other girls in front of her.”

When impressing a girl, make sure that she is the be all and end all of your attention. Want her and love her from the core of your heart as though no other girl exists in the world.
Nothing is embarrassing for girls than sitting with cheap men who continuously check out other women around. Girls, by nature, dislike when guys, whom they are trying to know, get intentionally diverted by other girls around them.
You will gain her trust and admiration if you are attentive ONLY to her because it makes her think like you truly want her.

Tip 4: “Avoid using a Cell phone when pursuing a girl.”

On of the most neglected steps of how to impress a girl is to avoid using cell phones while you are sitting in her company. Mind you, frequently answering your phone calls or even texting will never help you impress a girl.
If it is really that important or emergency call, just tender your excuse in a polite manner and receive your call. Otherwise, frequent use of cell phone in front of the girl may force her to think that you have no sincere interest in her.
Your girl may think that people on the other end of the mobile phone are worthier of importance to you than her. So it’s wise to not use your cell phone when you are sitting with the girl you want to impress.

Tip 5: “Don’t be too obsessive.”

Being romantic is different from being aggressive. You need not to be the latter kind of person to impress a girl.
Instead of presenting yourself as a too strong or obsessive lover, you should leave a good impression out of your calm and loving attitude. If you can’t control your strong passions from bursting out wildly, she may think unprotected in your company and resultantly she will be justified to keep you away.
These five steps of how to impress a girl can do the trick if followed rationally and sensibly. It is all about your attitude and way of interaction that can persuade her to wish meeting with you for the next time.

A Life Without Love

A Life Without Love

A Sunset without a sun is no sunset at all.
A life without love is no life at all.
A rainbow without colors is no rainbow at all.
And heart without feelings is no human at all.

All these things need something to be,
Either a sun or a person or a crayon,
If only to create what nature said was meant to be.

A sunset makes us feel as though the world has been born again.
A life with love lets us know it's worth to let someone in.
A rainbow with colors thats a moment frozen in time, to be grateful for all that is beautiful and feel all the glory inside.
A heart that has feelings, well that would be me.
For I love just the thought of you and hope you feel the same for me.

Life without our love, is an emptiness I'm not sure I wish to face.
Because I know that time will never be able to erase.
I wish our love was as simple as a sunset, ready to be born again.
But I know in truth love only comes from within.
So I'll keep watching for my sunset, and looking for that rainbow to shine someday.
Then one day maybe our love will find its way again. 

Thursday 14 February 2013

What is Love?

What is Love?

The power of genetics and neuroscience is revealing the chemical clockwork underlying love...

What is Love

Love is the drug and I need to score,” sang Bryan Ferry in the seventies, earning him a smash hit and a small fortune. But apart from being a catchy song lyric, this line is also looking like a scientifically-accurate fact of life.

That’s because, in recent years, researchers have begun to bring the power of modern genetics and neuroscience to bear on the workings of the human psyche, including the “big” question of love and what is it?

Somewhat unromantically, the results of these endeavours are showing is that the simple answer is that love amounts to little more than a chemical addiction. In fact the same brain circuits become active when volunteers in a scanner are shown pictures of their loved ones as when a nicotine-starved smoker lights up their first cigarette of the day! And the molecular clockwork of that lovin’ feelin’ is a small family of nerve transmitter chemicals called oxytocin, vasopressin and dopamine.

Oxytocin is released in the brain during orgasms, during childbirth and by breast feeding, which has led scientists to suspect that it may be linked to mother-baby bonding and that perhaps this, “love” and partner attachments are all a manifestation of the same process.
What is Love

Experimentally the evidence is quite compelling. Amongst sheep, a mother can be persuaded to foster a lamb that isn’t her own by delivering a brief puff of oxytocin into her nose before introducing the lamb, and unmated female rats become highly maternal around rat pups that they would previously have killed when given a dose of the chemical beforehand.

Humans are affected too. Volunteers given doses of oxytocin develop enhanced sensations of trust for those nearby, become more sensitive to the emotions of others and also spend longer looking at peoples’ faces (as opposed to the breast or trouser region). This suggests that, couples who experience orgasms together are effectively programming each others’ brains to love and trust one another!

But trust also usually demands monogamy, the mediator of which is vasopressin. Studies on voles have shown that a polygamous vole species known as the meadow vole can be transformed into behaving like its monogamous prairie vole cousin either by adding extra vasopressin to its brain or by increasing the brain’s sensitivity to the substance.

The same seems to apply to humans: a study carried out last year in Sweden found that individuals with one variant of a gene used in the brain to detect vasopressin levels were twice as likely to report a recent marital crisis, and only half as likely to be married in the first place, compared with individuals not carrying that form of the gene.

Administering vasopressin to volunteers also produces changes in behaviour. Men adopt a more aggressive posture including looking more menacing and also becoming much more protective of their partners. And when shown photographs of other peoples’ faces they tend to rate them as looking less friendly than they did before vasopressin was given.

So what about the addictive part of love? The sensation that you cannot survive without the other person, and the rush of joy when you see them after being away?
What is Love

This is down to dopamine, the brain’s pleasure chemical. When nerve cells squirt small amounts of this into a brain region called the nucleus accumbens it produces sensations of euphoria and satisfaction.

We use this circuitry to reward ourselves when we do something right, whether that’s learning a new fact, passing a driving test or making someone happy. It’s the way that the brain reinforces learning and good behaviour. It’s also the target of drugs like cocaine and heroin, which effectively short-circuit this same brain mechanism to achieve their pleasurable effects.

But this is also where Bryan Ferry’s famous lyric comes in, because dopamine lies downstream of the effects of the other two chemical love-drugs, vasopressin and oxytocin. When these chemical signals are active they trigger the release of an addictive surge of dopamine in order to consolidate their effects. So you are, quite literally, getting hooked on your partner.

Being able to distil love down to a series of chemical reactions like this is informative and helpful on the one hand because it will very likely enable scientists and doctors to help patients with conditions like autism, which make it hard for them to form relationships with other people.

But it also opens the door to a much more nefarious future, and in which we will have the pharmacological ability to manipulate love with a drug. For now though, the chat up line “could you just sniff this” should probably serve as a warning.